Thursday, September 18, 2008

We've moved!

Rather than using an old url ( I've moved the blog to (that's sidekick-themes, with a dash!) I figured that using a blog named "sk3themes" was old and outdated since there are theme sites for all the devices now. Just as a refresher there is:
Sidekick 3 Themes
Sidekick LX Themes
Sidekick Slide Themes
Sidekick 2008 (Gekko) Themes

No Personal Requests on the front page and Themes in your email

Hey gang, I decided to filter out themes uploaded in the Personal Requests category from the general browsing of the sites. These themes are still accessible through the Personal Requests link on the menu, as well as when you are browsing via search or by artist. I've noticed that a large number of these themes are specific to the user with pictures of them, their gf/bf, and their name most of the time. If you've made a theme for someone but you think it's something that someone else might want (i.e. it doesn't have the person's name on it), please put it in a different category so that it wil show up when everyone browses the site.

I also enabled subscribing to via email. If you sign up through the box on the menu, you'll get an email with the themes posted each day in your inbox. I want to see how this goes on first, and if people like it, I'll enable it for the other sites.

As always, I'm always interested in hearing feedback on the sites and what you think could be made better. Just email me at Thanks!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Changes to the rating system

We've heard complaints from a number of theme artists about the rating system. Personally I think it's a nice way to give quick and easy feedback to the artists. Unfortunately it's been abused. In an attempt to make the rating system a little better (i.e. so that people aren't artificially inflating or deflating the rankings) we decided to expose who voted what for each theme. Now if you click on the Comments link to view the individual theme you'll see a listing of all the users that have voted. It should be pretty obvious if someone is trying to game the system. We've already noticed some suspicious behavior that's now exposed. So, to allow people to save some face and "do the right thing" we've also added a "Delete my vote" link so you can wipe out any trace of what you voted for on a theme. You can also use this if you accidentally vote the wrong number of stars and need to fix it.

Yes, you'll probably notice that some of the votes aren't matching up to the number of votes it says the theme has. This is a bug that's been lurking for quite some time. The bug is fixed for the future votes, but the numbers are still off. I'll be working on a way of normalizing all the votes so that all the math adds up in the future.

Let me know what you guys think of the openness of the rating system now.

BTW, is open and in beta now as we try to implement some new features. :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Over 100,000 registered users!

I've been watching the total count of registered users on the theme sites climb. I noticed this morning that we passed 101,000 users in total! Wow! I never thought the sites would ever get this large. On we have a total of 7,199 themes available and 6,062,134 themes downloaded, has 2,805 themes with 1,091,919 themes downloaded, and their little brother,, has 615 themes available with 133,023 themes downloaded.

We totally couldn't have done it without all those people out there that created and uploaded themes. If you're one of those people, let me say thank you from all of the downloaders and myself included. When will we hit 200,000?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Database problems with

Sorry gang, looks like we're running into some database weirdness with We've got the tech guys looking into things to try to figure out what's up. In the meantime, the site is temporarily offline while we fix things. Thanks for your patience!